Daily greens - 6 pack
Daily greens - 6 pack
This Daily Greens 6-Pack includes our green juices for nutrient-rich variety throughout your week. Try incorporating 1-2 juices each day to easily add in a boost of greens and nutrients!
Green Goodness – Incorporate a green juice into your day to add a boost of nutrients thanks to ingredients like kale and spinach.
Flavour Variety – Enjoy a range of flavours find your fave green juice.
Product Details
What: Drink your vegetables and level up your daily vitamin intake with our variety pack of nutrient-rich blends. Sip in the wholesomeness of this "super salad" in a bottle without needing a fork.
How: Drink one juice daily for six days for maximum results. For elevated nutrient support, drink two to three juices daily to enhance your vegetable and vitamin intake.
In The Kit - 6 juices:
2 x Popeye - 97 calories
Contains - Broccoli, kale, apple, orange
2 x Green Amore - 74 calories per serve
Contains - Cucumber, celery, cos, kale, pineapple, lemon
2 x Into the wild - 76 calories per serve
Contains - Cos, kale, ginger, cucumber, coconut water, lemon
Low in sugar and packed with goodness - grab yours today!
(for complete nutritional info on each juice, head to the juices tab)